3rd Quarter Meeting- Fourth Dai People’s Congress (9-8-2024)

September 8th @ 2pm MST (subject to change) the Rex Dai Cour hosts a meeting of the Dai Congress at the Sunset Bar & Grill inside the Days Inn of Trinidad, CO!
With a variety of unexpected events and changes over the course of 2024 so far his Regency determined it necessary to convene such a meeting of the Dai people themselves upon what would have been a regular Dai Council meeting.
As of this time the remaining Council consists of the Rex & Baron Farley and additional input is necessary for proper and fair governance of our people and our mutual affairs. This agenda below will change as input from the people add and adjust items upon it, but below is the agenda at hand:
A. Rex will convene meeting and take an accounting of all present and all that are missing from the expected rolls. It is expected that the Rex may order a full census of the people as of this time.
B. Rex will consider nominations to be added to the Dai Council. The People will vote to approve additions if nominees accept nominations.
C. Rex will request an update from the People concerning various security concerns believed ongoing in Odessa as well as West Texas and in Silver City as well as the Gilas and will address police forces’ reports of attacks. Upon this update an order will be given to formally address these security concerns.
D. Rex will request an update on any expeditions to the Gilas for the project dubbed “Kibbutz Dai Colony.” Afterwards the Rex will introduce and explain to the people the Section 501(d) nonprofit status and how this could be applied to “Kibbutz Dai Colony.” An order moving forward will be issued after this has been fully discussed.
E. Rex will discuss the resurrection of the “Dei Corps” as the Dai Corps of the Gilas and whether it would be a New Mexico entity or an Arizona entity. This will serve as a security force as well as a disaster response force in light of attacks reported earlier this year out of West Texas.
F. Rex will take an assessment from the people of the state of the current economy and the current economic plan that was meant to be in place to prepare and lay down the economic foundation of our kibbutz. Necessary adjustments are expected.
G. Businesses from the DCEDC plan that the People wish to operate as part of the Kibbutz.
H. Any other business to be discussed by the People.
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