To the “Commonwealth of the Dai,” this most likely is my final address to you all as your Regent over the Dai Council, speaking upon their behalf concerning the results of the Final meeting of the Council as the Kingdom of Dai Business Alliance in this generation. This meeting had special significance as we addressed unrest in the Permian Basin and the plans the Council has for the future beyond the days of the Kingdom and into the days of the Kibbutz planned to be founded in the coming year within the Gilas of New Mexico. All Council members were present at this meeting.
In light of recent events, the Dai Council cancels and revokes the Orders of Valkyrie and of Dragoon that gave rise to the creation of Valkyrie Security Force. The disreputable conduct of their officers and the unrest they have sparked within the Pagonis community in West Odessa made clear that the fledging force is unfit for duty and the necessity to disband it. At current it is known that former members of the force are continuing in criminal conduct and encourage others not to follow them in their criminal affairs. It is our understanding local law enforcement is on the job prosecuting them for their misdeeds.
As the community of Pagonis has formally rejected the authority of this Council and has separated from the “Commonwealth of the Dai,” we the Dai Council formally accepts the separation of Pagonis from the Dai People and the Dai People also in like kind formally separates from the Pagonis community. We declare we are now TWO separate peoples no longer obligated to the other by common bonds from previous generations and no longer allies in future conflicts if they arise- From this day forth we are neutral parties.
Progress continues concerning the founding of the congregation, Kehilat Shiloh Inc., out in the Gila region of New Mexico with now two locations options, Glenwood and Reserve, available to use for future services. A collection of Elders has been organized and are to convene shortly to begin working out the official tenets of faith of the church and the formal legal filings required under New Mexico law to properly found a church in the state. After the founding of the church, we will then move to found Kibbutz Shiloh Inc. to officially begin operations for the community and the future Village of Dai Colony or Shiloh, NM with the bona-fide members of the church as required by law under IRS Section 501(d). The site east of Glenwood, NM on Hwy 159 continues to be the planned location for the community.
Simultaneously, while these efforts are ongoing in Glenwood, we have forged an agreement with Lincoln County CERT to begin training a new generation of disaster responders in exchange for our continued service to the great County of Lincoln as we prepared to refound the Dei Corps either there or in the Gilas as originally planned, staffed with freshly trained and experienced disaster responders ready to take their valor and heroism to the next level in service to Region 6. We would like to publicly extend our thanks and gratitude to Director Barber and the Sheriff of Lincoln County for their participation in making these arrangements. May our service to the County exceed our mutual expectations!
As we began to close the meeting the Dai Council reviewed the language and implications of Decree Order 13 concerning Vows of Poverty to continue on into the Kibbutz that authority of this Council will transfer to, and after examination of the Order the Council unanimously adopted this order and added this to the Orders of Decree. The “Commonwealth of Dai” will adhere to and observe the Vow of Poverty from this day forth as we go into the future. With this final piece of business concluded, the Council directed itself to update our website to reflect current information post meeting, save the information within the website, and distribute this information to the three organizations that will succeed it in 2025.
All officers and Council members of the Dai Council as the Kingdom of Dai, including myself, have all agreed to file our resignations to this Council as part of the wrap up of the Business Alliance. Our resignations are effective at the end of the day of January 15th, 2025.
With all formal business on the agenda concluded, the members of the Dai Council closed the meeting with prayer and adjourned the meeting. The Kingdom of Dai Business Alliance dissolves upon the date of January 15th, 2025 and the authority within over the Dai People transfers to Kibbutz Shiloh Inc. after this date as the governing body of the “Commonwealth of the Dai.”
It’s been my pleasure to serve as your Regent in this generation and the Dai Council will continue to serve in our perspective capacities until the end of our terms upon the 15th. May our Father and LORD above bless and guard over you all!
-Regent Benjamin III