Revised Decree Orders of the 10th Generation Council of Dai

***As of 9/23/2024 the Dai People unanimously changed the direction of the Kingdom of Dai to move from an economic development organization concept to a faith-based community organization concept. Changes to this website are being made to reflect this new direction. This website will cease to operate upon 01/15/2025.***


Decree Order 1:
Concerning Governance

I, the Regent of the Dai People, hereby reinstate the Dai Council to serve as Directors and the Office of the Regent to head administration over the Council and the general population at large, as appointed by the Dai Council, confirmed by the Dai people, coronated by the Dai Court, and decorated with the Crown of Bronze. The Office of the Regent and the Dai Council will be organized under a nonprofit corporation, under IRS Tax Code Section 501(d) supervised by a 501(c)3.

Decree Order 2:
Establishment of the Economy

The Office of the Regent commissions Regency Mint of Orem, Utah to produce and issue .925 Sterling silver bullion coin and bar for use within the community and the general public as a medium of exchange and as a store of wealth in the denominations of one-quarter (1/4), one (1), and ten (10) Troy Ounces rounds or bars.

The general assigned value of one (1) Troy Ounce will be $25 U.S. The U.S. Silver Dollar is recognized to have an assigned value of three-quarters (3/4) Troy Ounce or $18.75. Certain 40% silver U.S. Half-Dollars will be recognized as having a value of (0.15) Troy Ounce or $3.85.

The Office of the Rex also commissions the creation of the Regency Precious Metals Company to administer the initial sales of the bullion to the Nobility and to sell the remaining silver bullion to the general public. The remaining issued bullion will be sold coin by coin by the Regency Precious Metals to the general public.

A PricePoint Exchange system will be used to process transactions in Silver Troy to U.S. Federal Reserve Notes and U.S. Federal Reserve Notes to Silver Troy. In general, businesses accepting the Silver Troy and citizens conducting transactions amongst each other in Silver Troy shall recognize revenue in U.S. Federal Reserve Notes the following amounts: 1/10 Troy to $2.50, 1/4 Troy to $6.25, 3/4 Troy to $18.75, 1 Troy to $25.00, 5 Troy to $125.00 and 10 Troy to $250.00. All prices in U.S. Federal Reserve Notes must be divisible into Silver Troy denominations as issued. For clarity, please seek the table of PricePoints by the Exchange.

All values in silver versus the US Dollar are in review and if an increase is determined necessary will be reflected in changes to the Order.

The Office of the Regent will periodically review businesses in operation under license by the Regent and evaluate the state of the economy to sponsor the addition of new business activity to correct imbalances determined in the economic climate of the time. The Office of the Regent will periodically report to the general public the amounts of Silver Troy produced, sold, and issued into circulation.

The minimum or living hourly wage of a given area will be respected. As of this time, the minimum or living hourly wage for Colorado is 0.60T or $14.81 per hour and Santa Fe at $15.00 per hour but specifically 0.75T $18.81 per hour within Denver city limits, and within Boulder the minimum is 0.70T or $16.57 per hour. The State of New Mexico now is 0.65T or $15.50 per hour. The maximum salary or hourly wage that may be paid to an employee is set at 1.30T or $32.12 per hour. Any amounts paid to an employee above this amount must be based on a salaried basis up to an annual maximum of $66,819 or 2,673T. This provision of Decree Order 2 will be periodically reviewed and updated to ensure that economic reality is fairly reflected by the edicts of Decree Order 2.


Decree Order 3:
The Reestablishment of the Former Minimum Earned Income Requirements

After consultation with the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Revenue Offices of the various States that host the Dai people, they have advised the Office of the Rex and the Dai Council to set the following amounts as the minimum income amounts for our Persons and Households that would be beneficial to the Citizenry and the general public:

  • Single Persons Without Children: $8,200 (328T) Earned Income Per Tax Year
  • Married Couples Without Children: $8,200 (328T) Earned Income Per Tax Year
  • Single Persons With Children: $18,500 (740T) Earned Income Per Tax Year
  • Married Couples With Children: $28,100 (1,124T) Earned Income Per Tax Year
  • Exempt from the Minimum Earned Income Requirements are Persons and Households whose Investment Income exceeds $11,600 (464T) or who receive Social Security Disability / Retirement Benefits as their primary source of income.

This Decree will be periodically reviewed and updated to ensure that economic realities are fairly reflected in Decree Order 3.


Decree Order 4:
The Reestablishment of the Office of the Marshall

In honor of his pledge to assist the state governments that house the Dai people in promoting justice, peace, and mutual security throughout the land, the Office of the Regent hereby reinstates the Office of the Marshall to assist the local law enforcement agencies in the states housing the Dai people and to protect the Citizenry of the Regent and the Dai Council.

In addition to these duties, the Regent also commissions the creation of a private security company, Valkyrie Security Force Ltd., under the laws of the State of New Mexico to service clients in the region and to serve the local legal authorities. All security officers employed by Dai Security Service must train, test, and pass examinations to receive commissioned security licensure for armed security services in order to serve as private security officers under the Marshall. Those already in possession of a valid peace officer license for service within the State of New Mexico are exempt from these examinations and will be the only officers qualified to serve as private investigators under their Barons/Baronesses.

Officers successfully licensed through the State of New Mexico must then be knighted by the Regent before entering service to the Marshall and to the Nobility.

The distribution of responsibilities for security and investigations personnel for the Nobility shall proceed as follows:

  • The Marshall will serve as Chief of Security throughout the Dai’s organizational structure and is directly responsible for the security of the Regent and the Council.
  • A security detail of ten knighted individuals shall serve the needs of the Regent and the Council.
  • The Baron/Baroness of a given region will be responsible for the recruitment of a detail of ten Investigators led by a Chief investigator, overseen by the Marshall, to assist in criminal investigations and other security concerns brought to the attention of the Baron/Baroness or the Chief Investigator.
  • The Baron/Baroness will be responsible for the recruitment of a detail of ten Security Officers led by a Security Chief, overseen by the Marshall, to patrol their municipalities in order to prevent, report on, and — if felonious — respond to criminal activity.


Decree Order 5:
Concerning Building Codes and the Establishment of the Trade Associations

The Regent orders the honoring and use of local building codes that shall set the standard of work concerning the construction of buildings, any remodeling work done to existing structures, and the installation of electrical, water, gas, or wastewater disposal systems necessary for the smooth functioning of Dai-controlled facilities.

For new building constructions, it should be emphasized that — where allowed by law — independent energy generation systems should be installed, independent water (sources such as wells and water storage systems) should be used, and corresponding wastewater treatment capabilities (such as septic systems) should also be put into place. Fireplaces and clean wood-burning stoves should also be installed to serve as a more efficient method of heating where possible to ease the strain on local electrical resources.

The Regent also hereby orders the reorganization and reinstatement of Generation 6’s system of trade guilds under the Trade Association nomenclature. These are the trade associations the Regent and the Dai Council places special emphasis upon:

  • The Metalsmiths Trade Association
  • The Mechanics Trade Association
  • The Machinists Trade Association
  • The Carpenters Trade Association
  • The Stone Masons Trade Association
  • The Plumbers Trade Association
  • The Electricians Trade Association
  • The Accountants Trade Association
  • The Chef Masters Trade Association
  • The Education Trade Association
  • The Medical Trade Association.

More may be added in the future with the approval of the Office of the Regent and the Dai Council.

Each trade association shall be headed by a very experienced Master of his or her trade and possesses the authority to train apprentices and certify them to Journeyman status, after passing examination upon completion of the required number of years to perfect the practice of their trade. Each Master will also strive to improve the state of the art of their trade and to educate Journeymen in their trade.

Upon recognition of a Journeyman reaching Master status by the judgment of the existing Trade Master, the Trade Master may either retire and place the new Master in his or her place, or join the new Master to his or her authority in the
education of others in their chosen trade.

The Regent also commissions the creation of the Magenta Technologies Company to perform technological research and development in order to invent new technologies, materials, and devices, as well as completing other projects assigned by the Regent or the Dai Council.


Decree Order 6:
Concerning Agriculture, Food, Medicines, and Alcohols

The Regent relaxes many of the positions of the former Dai 9th generation system of governance and refocuses attention on the following areas:

  • Concerning the production of food for the purposes of food service, food service workers should diligently follow all local food safety laws and ordinances to safeguard the health of the Citizenry and the general public. In addition to these ordinances, the Regent imposes the prohibition of pork, shellfish, and blood of any kind to be served in a food service setting. All red meats must be cooked to at least “medium” status and all chicken and fish products must be cooked thoroughly to “well done” status for the safety of the consumers.
  • The Regent emphasizes that, where possible, dairy products and fresh produce grown and produced by local sources should be used. Local growers should thoroughly clean and inspect products from local agriculture before sending them to their local farmers’ markets for sale.
  • Herbal medicines sourced locally should be carefully examined for safety and quality before branding and sale to the citizenry and the general public. Prescription medicines should only be prescribed, sold, or administered by a licensed pharmacist or medical professional.
  • Concerning the production, sale, and recreational consumption of alcohol: producers and distillers may sell to warehouses, package stores, and restaurants any amount of alcohol, but package stores and restaurants are limited to selling or serving any person of legal age no more than six (6) servings of alcohol per visit per day. Thus shall the sale of anything more than a six-pack of beers, a 750ml bottle of wine, or a half-pint of liquor to a person per day shall be prohibited.


Decree Order 7:
Concerning the Regulation of Trade and Commerce

The Regent orders that local, state, and Federal laws concerning trade and commerce be observed throughout Dai territories and requires that any taxes due to local, state, and Federal entities be paid in full. An accounting record of tax payments must be made and kept by all Dai businesses. Any and all safety regulations attached to any industry must be sternly observed and followed, and any business activity found to be endangering the safety and health of the general population may have its license to operate revoked.

Business owners seeking licenses to operate businesses through the Regent must be Dai Citizens and report statements of revenue, expenses, profit and loss, and financial positions to the Office of the Regent annually. Licenses issued by the Regent shall be valid for seven years and must be renewed afterward or surrendered. The cost of these licenses starts at $250 or 10T for sole proprietorships, $500 or 20T minimum for partnerships, and $750 minimum for corporate entities. Though only the Limited and Corporate forms of business were allowed by the Dai Council in the past, the Office of the Regent has relaxed this requirement to include any and all forms of business entity organization and relaxes the requirement of annual reviews or audits unless just cause is presented before the Office of the Regent. The Regent hereby commissions the creation of the Regency Tax & Bookkeeping Services to provide a means of assistance for business-owning or business-operating citizens to manage their business, tax, and financial affairs.

Unless otherwise required by a superior standard, the Regent shall require a minimum warranty or guarantee of thirty (30) days upon all goods and services of sold by businesses. As part of the licensure through the Regent, all businesses are required to accept both the U.S. Federal Reserve Note and the Silver Troy as legal tender for transactions in the due course of business.

Businesses accepting payments in the Silver Troy shall do so at the exchange rate of $25.00 USD to 1 Troy Ounce Sterling Silver. This Decree will be periodically reviewed and updated to ensure economic realities are fairly reflected in Decree Order 7.


Decree Order 8:
Concerning Affordable Housing Rent Controls

The Regent revises the rent control order issued by the previous Dai Council to simplify previously-established rent controls and update the amounts issued. Using the formula of thirds, the Regent assumes that a general household
should spend no more than one-third (1/3rd) of its income on housing and investment activity. Thus, the revised
formula for maximum rent control shall be as follows:

(The living wage of the area X 2000 work hours) / 3 = Annual maximum rent allowable for the area Annual Maximum Rent / 12 = Monthly maximum rent control

These rental controls will not be applied against weekly or daily conventions of renting. The Dai Council classifies such activity as short-term lodging instead, as such rentals are lodging in nature and not residential. Instead the maximum rental rate of lodging units will be calculated at the monthly minimum wage (167 hours per month) divided by 30. For most locations in which the minimum wage is $14.81 for Colorado, $15.50 for New Mexico, $15.00 for Santa Fe, $16.57 for Boulder, and $18.81 for Denver area.

Thus the maximum lodging rate will be $80.27 for Colorado and Santa Fe, $75.15 for New Mexico, and $101.81 for the Boulder and Denver areas plus any sales and lodging taxes due to state and local entities.

As of the writing of Decree Order 8, the maximum amount for monthly rent is calculated as $825 or 33T for Colorado and Arizona residential units, $1,050 or 42T for Denver area residential units, $925 or 37T for Boulder area residential units, and $875 or 35T for New Mexico residential units, not including the cost of any utilities or services. The value of any paid utilities may be added to the monthly rent of residential units to prevent undo hardship of landlords upholding this Order.

Concerning mobile home and RV lot spaces a new monthly maximum of $300 or 12T for raw land lots has been set and full-utility serviced lots have been set to a monthly maximum of $400 or 16T at the national level.

Concerning the State of Texas, since it has no minimum wage law to calculate an accurate price fair to both tenant and landlord the following convention will be used to set a maximum based upon the property in question until further notice: One bedroom units all bills paid monthly $825 or 33T, Two bedroom units no bills paid monthly $875 or 35T, and Three or more bedroom units no bills paid monthly $1050 or 42T. 

The amount of the monthly maximum rent control will also serve as the amount of the maximum monthly mortgage payment. This amount does not include property insurance or property taxes. The Dai Council has also amended this provision of Decree Order 8 to limit residential mortgage loans to a maximum of $175,100 or 7,004T per mortgage upon a residential property.

The minimum rent controls issued by the previous generation’s Decree Orders are hereby repealed.

The Dai Council has amended Decree Order 8 to include the provisions of a maximum purchase value or maximum sale value of a residential rental property unit in the amount of $450,000 or 18,000T. This will be applied to single office suite properties and vacant land acreage as well.

This Decree will be periodically reviewed and updated to ensure economic realities are fairly reflected in Decree Order 8.


Decree Order 9:
Concerning Dai Mission

Dai Mission Ministries recently has been relieved of the duty and the responsibility of building Dai Colony and Project Shiloh after discussions with its current leadership and its intended path for its future.

The Regent hereby orders that the Dai Council founds the Dai Institute of Shiloh, Inc. with the blessing and the support of Dai Mission Ministries in the Gilas of New Mexico or Arizona to continue the mission that Dai Mission Ministries had originally intended concerning Dai Institute and the construction of Dai Mission as a spiritual retreat for the Dai People using the Book of Numbers Chapter 35 and the building plans that have been developed by the Regent and the Dai Council over time.

After its founding, Dai Institute of Shiloh is tasked and ordered to raise money for the project, vet and acquire the grounds for the project, and construct the housing, educational facilities, museum, and service buildings the project requires. Spiritual restoration and initial theological curriculums will be supplied by Dai Mission Ministries.

The Office of the Regent will personally oversee this project.

Dai Colony itself is still a project of great interest to the Dai People, the Regent, and the Dai Council, but a proper plan of development, proper funding, appropriate lands, and a formal plan for the city itself has not yet been drafted or approved beyond the relinquishment of control of the project from Dai Mission Ministries. This will all be reviewed upon the completion and operation of Project Shiloh.


Decree Order 10:
The Reestablishment of the Uniformed Services

The Office of the Regent and the Dai Council hereby recommission the Dai Corps to recruit, train, and field uniformed disaster responders to react accordingly to disastrous events and to assist the general public with poverty assistance, as needed and ordered by the Office of the Regent.

The Corps shall be corporately organized as the Dai Corps of Colorado, Inc. under the laws of Colorado and it shall have independent satellite organizations operating in Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, and Texas, as staff and resources allow. The satellite units may be unincorporated Nonprofit associations for their cities led by a Captain as their top rank, or they may be incorporated Nonprofit organizations for their cities led by a Commander as their top rank. The Corps’ overall commander, the Colonel of the Dai Corps of Colorado, will be commissioned to build, train, and lead this new disaster relief force and to support the smaller satellite organizations as requested.


Decree Order 11:
The Imposition of the 10 % Revenue Levy

As part of the application for Citizenship, the Dai Council imposes the provision of a 10% revenue duty or Levy that is to be paid from all sources of revenue by an Individual, Business, or Nonprofit entity operating within the auspices of the Dai People to the Office of the Regent (minus taxes paid to host local, state, or Federal entities and tithes or donations to bona fide religious ministries).

By design, most of the remaining Levy liability will be zero for most, but for some a valid Levy will be due by the Citizens of the Regent and the Dai Council. The calculation of the Levy will be calculated as follows:

  • SSA-1099 (Amount of Social Security Benefits Received)
  • W-2s (Paychecks for Wages and Salaries Earned)
  • 1099-INTs & 1099-DIVs (Interest and Dividends Received)
  • Federal Schedule E (Net Pay from Rents and Deposits Received)
  • Federal Schedule E (Net Pay from Royalties Received)
  • W-2Gs (Net Pay from Gambling Winnings)
  • 1099-Gs, 1040, & PIT (Tax Refunds Received from both Federal and State Governments)
  • Award Letters (Net Amounts Received from Food Stamps/TANF/Child Support/Alimony)
  • K-1s, Schedules C & F (Revenues received in due course of business or farming)
  • 1099Bs, 1099-S (Sale Proceeds Received from Sale of Capital Assets and Real Estate)
  • Total Revenue Amounts Subject to Revenue Levy x 10% Revenue Levy
  • Gross Amount of Levy Before Deductions
  • Subtract State and Federal Income Taxes Paid (Federal 1040s, 1120s, State Tax Returns)
  • Subtract Sales Taxes Paid or Remitted (Federal Schedule A, Sales Tax Receipts)
  • Subtract Property Taxes Paid or Remitted (County Tax Receipts, 1098s, Federal Schedule A)
  • Subtract Tithes and Donations (Federal Schedule A, Donation Letters, 1098-Cs)
  • Amount of Levy Due if Result is Not Zero or Less
  • There is a proposed maximum limit amount of a contribution to be set at 10% of the maximum salary amount to be applied to both individuals and businesses to prevent undue and unintendedly high contribution demands. For the amount set within this proposed 2025 edition that maximum will be $6,682.00 or 267T.


Decree Order 12:
Imposition of Banking Regulations

After a review of the banking and credit systems used within the United States, the Dai Council and the Office of the Regent imposes the following regulations and safeguards upon banks and credit unions doing business with the Dai People and the Citizenry.

Concerning unsecured credit: no lending entity may extend a loan beyond the amount of the average monthly income of the individual or entity applying for the loan. The maximum monthly payment that may be imposed is one-twelfth (1/12th) of the amount of the loan, including interest if any. The maximum amount of interest that may be charged upon an unsecured loan shall be 12%.

Concerning secured credit loans: collateralized by the individual or entity applying for and securing the loan with said collateral shall receive up to 80% of the fair market value (FMV) of the collateral for the loan as requested. In the case of default, the lender may sell the collateral to recover the funds loaned. After the recovery of funds is made, the residual of the funds must be surrendered to the individual or entity that defaulted on the loan. The maximum monthly payment that maybe imposed on such loans is one-third (1/3rd) of the average monthly income of the applicant for the loan, including interest, if any. The maximum amount of interest that may be charged upon a secured loan shall be 6%.

In addition to these regulations for secured loans, the maximum loan amount for a residential property — whether for personal or business — shall be set at $175,100 or 7,004T.

Concerning banking and credit union deposit accounts. Two levels of accounts, whether it be Checking or Savings accounts shall be set up for deposit customers.

  • The First Level shall be for new customers, and the maximum deposit for the account shall be $5,000.
  • The Second Level shall be for more experienced customers, and the maximum deposit for the account shall be $250,000.

For married customers who wish to make a joint account, a suite of three accounts are allowable: one for each spouse, and the joint account to serve as the fund account for the family’s household.

Concerning business and investment banking, the maximum amount an individual or entity may hold shall not exceed $3,000,000 or 120,000T for such accounts. For partnerships of corporations, this maximum amount may be multiplied by the number of partners or shareholders in the company.

Financial institutions should attempt to collateralize business deposit accounts having amounts above $250,000 to secure funds from loss.

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