Regent’s Address After Fourth Dai Congress

***As of 9/23/2024 the Dai People unanimously changed the direction of the Kingdom of Dai to move from an economic development organization concept to a faith-based community organization concept. Changes to this website are being made to reflect this new direction. This website will cease to operate upon 01/15/2025.***


Yesterday, the Dai People have spoken and agreement has been reached between the People and their Leadership upon the path forward!

It has most definitely been a wild ride this year from political upheavals, attacks and security concerns against us, and economic woes that have befallen ourselves and our country. These unexpected twists and turns have also caused us to abandon the direction we were following in Colorado even concerning how we intended to structure our governance in light of new information not previously known, but with this now all on the table our path forward is now apparent. My personal thanks to all of you for speaking with us and voicing your concerns, your needs, and even your proposals for solutions!

As your Regent it is my duty to voice the direction, but it is our mutual duty to fulfill it going forward. Thus, without further ado I put forth this Order:

I hereby put forth both the Order of Valkyrie and the Order of Dragoon. It shall be carried out by the organization of a Texas security patrol corporation comprised of Pagonis security officers to be dubbed “Valkyrie Security Force, Ltd.” All security officers will be background checked, trained, and licensed up to the Texas Level 3 Commissioned Security Officer Licensure for security service. Security officers will be equipped with minimum Level II body armor, 40 S&W service pistols, and 12-gauge shotguns in due course of their service. As the People have requested, we will reach out to Mr. Johnathan Waddell as your nominated Captain and potential president over the security company. If he accepts, he will be installed, but if he rejects, we will open the position for other Pagonis candidates.

In addition to this, Pagonis is called upon to organize and to defend themselves and their Hebrew cousins from Aryan threats from the East. Therefore, our experts highly recommend that our populations in West Texas adopt the FN 5.7 pistol, AR-15 rifles, Level III body armor and service shields as well as refresher courses in firearms and self-defense training for all. Surveillance of believed threats should be instituted and if credible imminent threats are discovered they must be submitted to law enforcement.

While Pagonis conducts the operations in Texas, despite threats against us for doing so from the East, the Dei Corps disaster response force is ordered to be reorganized, resurrected, and put back into service in New Mexico! We will begin as a small variety of CERT teams across the state and branch these out into Arizona and Colorado to build resources and competency before upgrading into a full-on, VOAD-level state disaster force. Initial teams are to be organized and operated in Ruidoso and Silver City.

Concerning the Kingdom of Dai itself, though we had pursued the idea of an economic development corporation to house and direct our economic endeavors for our future economy in Colorado, the new status of the economy there and the discovery of the 501(d) format of nonprofit operations that allows for us to conduct business in this manner in the Gilas simply fits our needs better than the previous option in Colorado.

Thus, we shall pursue this direction for the future. All our for-profit business concepts and business operations will now be operated under this umbrella to be founded as “Kibbutz Dai Colony, Inc.” as a 501(d) organization alongside a 501(c)3 church. Expeditions are still ongoing in the Gilas now focusing on Arizona, but a suitable community property has been located nearby Glenwood in New Mexico. Pledges of financial support as well as donations of metals such as copper, aluminum, bronze, brass, silver, and even gold are requested for the metal working and casting operations of the kibbutz. Once the nonprofit corporation is founded we will commence operations that will build the kibbutz.

This is the Order that I put forth… May this direction prevail for us all!

-Regent Benjamin III