The Regent’s Address Upon 1st Quarter Meeting of 2024

Yesterday the Dai Council met concerning the upcoming year and said goodbye to many members of this Council amid the surfacing of a variety of new issues over the turning of the year.

First we said goodbye to those who have served this Council well in the past year, leaving us three new seats open on the Council. Next, the discovery of issues with our own disaster response force in Texas. Post our meeting the Commander resigned amid these irregularities discovered in his disaster response organization, and now the Dai Corps of Texas is in the process of being disbanded and dissolved. These losses were unexpected, staggering, and leave our people and operations within Texas in a weakened, vulnerable position. Events ongoing upon the border and wars starting across the world in addition to this add to the feeling of vulnerability many have begun to express. Thus the path forward begins to become clear of what needs to be done. It is time to prepare and strengthen ourselves for the immediate future ahead. As one of our Councilors so blunted stated, “We’re already in a Third World War… It’s time for everyone to act like it.”

Thus, in a time such as this, the Council has decided now is time to incorporate itself and place its HQ (the “Throne Room”) in Pagosa Springs, CO. There it can begin taking in resources from economic grants, goodwill donations from outside donors, and contributions from its members to fund various economic grants to business startups, trade education, disaster response teams, and community security services. A crude but functional starting budget to allocate these resources has been developed and put into effect. A newly designed flag to represent the strength of this corporate maneuver has also been adopted going forward… perfection of the final design is currently underway. Work upon organizing the trade associations and the Housing Trust continues with focus upon the Delta, Cortez, and Monte Vista areas for both affordable housing and education for our younger generation. Finding new leadership to continue the development of Shiloh, the community as well as the Institute thereof, will still be a priority. Further development of our disaster response capabilities continues. The Council has authorized the Barons to form and operate CERT teams for their communities, issued a direction to our New Mexico populations, and with the loss of the Texas disaster response force the Council has directed me with the “go-ahead” to dust off my old Commander’s uniform to incorporate, found, and personally lead the Dai Corps of Colorado, Inc. The need for courageous capable men and women of integrity are hereby emphasized, and such men and women are to report to me for duty immediately- Time is of the essence and short for training and preparation for the mission at hand.

In closing of my address, more companies are needed to come forward and join our membership in order to support the economic mission of the Kingdom of Dai. There is heavy emphasis upon food production and distribution, housing development and refurbishing, accounting and financial services, energy production, mechanical and machining, mining and materials, precious metals, and local manufacturing. There is wealth to be created and money to be made! It’s just a matter of getting to work and supplying the demand…

– Regent Benjamin III